Sam Walker

Do you know the Green Goddess from British TV? It takes on a whole new meaning when we talk about Gina.
My kids have recovered from biomed alone. No other intervention was needed. We have removed tummy pains and head aches as well as anxiety and tantrums.
My children are amazing thanks to a diet which is gf/cf and free from anything artificial, colours and numbers. They eat like queens – a huge breakfast of protein and vegetables, they have 3 small meals at school and they eat vegetables or soup for dinner.
We take vitamins and minerals to supplement the diet, as well as omega 3 and digestive enzymes. Kefir and fermented veggies feature every day.
Any accidents result in the children retreating back to autism, such as 2 weeks ago when the school gave my daughter a “treat” for being good – a flavoured ice pop! Alice went crazy on it.
Biomed is the best thing I ever discovered. What a pity we all lost sight of eating well. Our diet wouldn’t look out of place 150 years ago.
Sam Walker
Proud biomed parent of 2 thriving angels